The Ladies Section is thriving, friendly and inclusive with over 40 members. We welcome players with all levels of interest and experience, from those new to golf to scratch golfers, those who wish to play competitively and those who are simply looking for social golf. We encourage all ladies to play with different members each week, helping us to get to know each other and building and maintaining our friendly and welcoming Section. In addition to golf competitions, we also run social events allowing you to make the most of your membership, whether you’re looking to meet new people, support our annual charities, or simply to improve your golfing knowledge.
Examples this year include:
• Friday “Nine and Wine” Evening
• New Rules Presentation and Quiz Evening
• Ladies drive in with mulled wine
• Ladies v Fellmen Golf Challenge with lunch afterwards
• Coffee morning and car boot fundraisers
• Away days
• Group golf lessons
• Fashion show charity event
Looking to Join?
We are always looking to welcome new members and grow our Ladies Section. .. Please contact the Lady Captain or any other member of the Committee (see below) if you want to know more. New members are always made to feel welcome, to enjoy the golf and have fun. We will support you as you settle in and become part of our Ladies Section.
Ladies Competitions
Our ladies’ competitions are held on a Thursday and Saturdays allowing easier access for those who work or are in full time education. Prizes are awarded within each Handicap Division, with a trophy awarded to the overall winner in the more prestigious events. In addition to our Thursday/Saturday competitions, many of our ladies take up the opportunities on Sundays to play competitive and social golf too.
Whilst many of our members simply enjoy our weekly competitions, charity events and social golf, we also enter 3 teams within Cumbria in inter-club competitions catering for players of different handicaps.
Ladies Committee 2025
Kath Stevens - Chairperson for the season
Audrey Brooks – Past Captain
Sue Elliot – Treasurer
Judy Figg – Secretary
Pam Dobinson – Competition and Handicaps Secretary
Liz Scott
Vera Jackson
Alison Lightford
Josie Bainbridge
Lucy Scott
Marian McFegan
Our ladies heading out for the first game of 2025 on a glorious January day